Dear readers: I continue to occasionally update and add to this reference page (say hello if you happen to land here), but in general please be aware that it was last fully updated in November 2020.
This page is an incomplete, continuously-evolving, and growing database of people, practitioners, readings, foundries, and resources referenced in our Typography III class, with alliterative annotations by me. (I’m still working on adequate annotations for every listing, bear with me!) The list of artists, designers, writers, poets, and programmers mentioned here represents a diverse range of figures working with language, words, and letterforms whom we are choosing to claim as “typographers,” regardless of whether they would necessarily agree with this classification themselves. (The list may or may not also include actual self-described typographers here and there).
Assigned and further readings from each week’s class are all gathered here for a single overview of reading material from the semester. Further down is an ongoing, ever-expanding list of type designers, type foundries, and miscellaneous type resources. I sincerely invite and encourage any students, and anyone else stumbling across this page online, to suggest additions, corrections, and omissions.
Before you dive in, you might check out my ongoing, always work-in-progress, “Some Notes on Typography” document, which features advice, thoughts, tips, and one rule about typography from the perspective of a designer (me) and a reader (me too).
James Goggin
Some Typographers
Some Reading
Some Type, Type Designers, Foundries, &c.
Some Resources